Wednesday, 31 August 2011

The Delights of Copenhagen

Let's begin my travel posts from my time in Europe - starting with Copenhagen, Denmark. Copenhagen is our home port, which means this is where we pick up new passengers at the beginning of the cruise and crop them off at when it ends. Here are some of my favourite sights...

Copenhagen 1

Copenhagen 4

Copenhagen 5
I want to take this guy home with me!

Copenhagen 9
Whenever I go into Copenhagen with my Production Manager we are on a mission to find flowers - like these, gorgeous!

Copenhagen 10
I found this sign outside a shop - I think it needs stitching up sometime soon

Copenhagen 15

Copenhagen 3
The one thing I wanted to see in Copenhagen was the statue of the Little Mermaid - here she is!

Copenhagen has some beautiful old buildings and cobbled streets, but it also has a gorgeous arty feel. I saw two outdoor art exhibitions here in one day - posts about those to come!

Next post we will visit Germany!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Oh The Things I Have Seen... In Europe!

I have only been on this European run on my cruise ship for two cruises now, but I have already seen so much! I have blog posts planned for each of the places I am visiting - here are a few of my favourite photos so far from those places!

Copenhagen 15
Copenhagen, Denmark

wandemunde 3
Warnemunde, Germany

Tallin 1
Tallinn, Estonia

Russia 3
St. Petersburg, Russia

Helsinki 1
Helsinki, Finland

I know, I'm mean keeping you in suspense like this :-) But I still need to see more. Plus I have a few posts about some amazing art I saw in Copenhagen for you as well - you are such lucky readers!

My internet still sucks though.... but I get to see this and share it with you!
More soon when a connection can be found :-)

Thursday, 18 August 2011

On An Adventure in Europe... And My Internet Sucks!

I know I've been MIA for a bit - I've been moving in to my new cruise ship which is currently in the Baltic Sea. Apparently the internet connection sucks out here so I won't be posting as regularly, but I will when I can. For now, here's a pretty picture of St Petersburg until Ige the chance to really update you on my Baltic Adventures!!! Enjoy and I'll update you soon!


Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Salvaged Mutiny now has Prints!!

I decided it would be a good idea to open a Print Shop with my Deviant Art account. Many of my embroidery pieces are in private collections because of swaps and gifts - but now you can own a print of them!! I know it's not the same as the real thing, but it's affordable and you get some great art for your walls.

Check them out!!

All That Long Hair Print Possibilities Print
80s Wheel Print Feminism Has Fought No Wars Print
Remember Me Print Columbia, 2008 Print

As well as photo prints there are fine art prints, canvases, postcards and several of the pieces are set up for greetings cards as well! Come have agnder and if there is something of mine you'd like to see as a print, let me know!!