Sunday, 5 September 2010

Urban Style, New York City Fashion

My current cruise ship is out of NYC and while running errands and wandering around I get the chance to see some interesting stuff. Here are a few photos I took while on a walk a couple of weeks ago that I wanted to share.

glee window 1

Macy's has some of the best window displays I've ever seen. Often they have displays in tribute the Broadway shows, but on this day they had Glee windows! The Nationals display above was my fave but I also liked how they were promoting regular clothing by showing it as the costumes from the show below:

glee window 2

After Macy's I went to Mood fabrics, my favourite fabric store in NYC. It's quite hard to find but well worth it if you're in the city. On the way I found this painting on the side of a building and thought it apt:

NYC fashion 1

I like finding old signage particularly in cities like New York. I was having a costume and fashion filled day when finally I stumbled upon this display along Broadway:

NYC Fashion_sign

Sidewalk Catwalk is an exhibition of fashion all the way along Broadway for all to see. Some pieces are more sculptural:

NYC fashion 2NYC fashion 3NYC fashion 4

While others show actual clothing:

NYC fashion 5NYC fashion 6NYC Fashion 7NYC Fashion 8

And others are just plain interesting:

NYC Fashion 9NYC Fashion 10NYC Fashion 12NYC Fashion 13

I had three stand-out favourites of the pieces I came across. The first was a combination of natural fibres and traditional African style:

NYC Fashion 14

I like the odd use of materials and the exposure of the understructure. Though not necessarily actual fashion, Kenneth Cole's contribution is my second favourite:

NYC Fashion 15

Profound statement in the traditional black! Finally, my favourite of them all was this piece by Naeem Khan:

NYC Fashion 16

It is made from chain mail style metal links juxtaposed with an intricately embroidered body. The simple silver contrasts with the brightly coloured stitching on fine net:

NYC Fashion 17

I found the combination of soft and hard working together in this piece very interesting and was particularly taken with the pattern embroidered on the body. The colours are bright but not overpowering and work well with the silver of the metal.



  1. omg jo!!!!
    i sooooo miss NY, it's the best place ever.
    i love all these photo's. thanks love!!!
    i miss youuuuu

    what ship are you on now?!?

  2. I'm still on the Jewel, Sponge Bob has got me chained here haha!! It's nice though we're having a good time. I miss you too Cuppy!!!
