Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Head Bridesmaid

I met my friend Tessa while working on a ship in 2008. It was a pretty hard contract and we wouldn’t have got through it without each other… ships are like that, you make family members while you are there. Tessa is my family. We were lucky enough to work together again at the beginning of this contract for two months.

This month she is getting married to her fabulous fiancée in St. Thomas. I was supposed to be there as Head Bridesmaid, but I’m going to be working… which sucks. As a compromise I threw her a Bachelorette party on the ship before she left.

Along with the shell necklace that I made her I made tshirts for the party, covered everything in pink and made her a garter. Of course it’s blue and white and she has honoured me by saying she will wear it to the wedding! I’m glad I will be there in spirit if not physically, and I know she has a great life ahead of her!

To Ben & Tessa – may they have a beautiful wedding and a happy future.

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