Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Personal Costume Designer

I work a lot with dance wear in my job and have also worked on a few "Cirque Du Soilel" style shows over the years that I have worked in theatre. This has put me in a unique position for my niece... She took up gymnastics last year and loves it. However, like me she has her own ideas about things and knows what she wants in a gymnastics leotard. My sister couldn't find what my niece wanted....

So, guess who got roped in as Ezri-May's personal costume designer?! Me, of course. Now , as it turns out I quite like the job and my client is always happy with whatever designs I come up with! This one below is my latest creation and I am sure it will be the first of many... Just wait until she gets into aerial work!!!



Thursday, 7 November 2013

Art: Fallen Princesses

A while ago I wrote about Thomas Czarnekis's collection From Enchantment Down. Today I found another photo collection on similar lines.

Dina Goldstein has created the photo series Fallen Princesses that looks at what happens after Happily Ever After. What did happen to our heroines after we closed the book?

Goldstein used real life situations that were afflicting the people around her - health issues, family issues, people struggling at life - and applied them to the endings of well known fairy tales.

Here Snow White copes with family life. Belle struggles to keep her beauty. Jasmine fights for her country and Rapunsel suffers from illness. These are just a few of her images - the ones I found most poinient personally. If our princesses were real people how would they cope in the real world? It makes me think about reality, mortality and longevity. Stunning! Check out the rest of Dina's work at www.fallenprincesses.com



Tuesday, 5 November 2013

On With The New!


I know it's been pretty quiet around here and that's because it's been a very busy year here at Salvaged Muntiny Towers! Work stuff has kept me away from the fun crafting but that doesn't mean creativity hasn't happened. So I was having a little think... Maybe I need to start posting about more than my craft stuff.

Most notably this year I was the wardrobe supervisor for Norwegian Cruise Line's production of Rock Of Ages (yeah, the Broadway show!). I was also Wig Supervisor which was a new role for me - fun, exciting but stressful!

 The next leg of my adventure this year is to become the Wardrobe Supervisor on Legally Blonde. More busy times ahead but I plan to give you a little insight into it so stay tuned!!