I work a lot with dance wear in my job and have also worked on a few "
Cirque Du Soilel" style shows over the years that I have worked in theatre. This has put me in a unique position for my niece... She took up gymnastics last year and loves it. However, like me she has her own ideas about things and knows what she wants in a gymnastics leotard. My sister couldn't find what my niece wanted....
So, guess who got roped in as Ezri-May's personal costume designer?! Me, of course. Now , as it turns out I quite like the job and my client is always happy with whatever designs I come up with! This one below is my latest creation and I am sure it will be the first of many... Just wait until she gets into aerial work!!!
Love the star design, this remind me of the dance costume I sewed for my niece. It was indeed a great experience, quite hard at first for I have no time going on a haberdashery shop because of my schedule good things there are some online sites like http://www.calicolaine.co.uk.