Friday, 24 June 2011

Drawing with Stitch

Rosie James Workshop 1

Last weekend I went down to Brighton to attend a work shop with the embroidery artist Rosie James. If you are not familiar with her work, Rosie uses stitch to draw her pieces, often on sheer layers. I love her work and was very excited!

Over Saturday and Sunday, Rosie showed us her process and let us experiment with various different ways of making marks on fabric using a sewing machine. There were several techniques I would not have thought of, like putting wool in the bobbin and sewing from the back and loosening the tension to create different effects.

Rosie James Workshop 2

By the end of the weekend I had two pieces almost finished, several samples and a bunch of pieces in mind for the future! I even had a go at quilting which I really want to pursue.

It was a really fun weekend. I met a lot of interesting people and now I get to call Rosie my friend because she gave me a lift home! I've finished the two pieces and mounted them. I've got a sneak preview of them here. I like both pieces a lot so I'm going to blog about them seperatly.

Rosie James Workshop 4

A big thank you to Rosie for an excellent weekend! If you want to see more of her work,
check out her blog StitchDraw here.

Rosie James Workshop 3

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