Sunday, 17 July 2011

Sewing Machines!!!

sewing machine 1

I was shopping at Bluewater the other day and came across this awesome window display! The clothes store All Saints currently has their windows decorated with loads of vintage Singer sewing machines!! I took a few shot on my phone so they aren't the best, but you can still see how great this display is!!!

sewimg machine 2

sewing machine 3

sewing machine 4


  1. You're right - it is quite the display! I have an old Singer treadle sewing machine but alas it sits in the dark in a closet never used or seen.

  2. They are so pretty! I have one of the photos as my phone wallpaper - I think I might just be obsessed!!

    My overlocker is like your treadle Singer.... I don't have the room for it and have't got round to using it all the time yet!
